Thursday, December 31, 2009

The First Step

Welcome to the first Creative Weekly post. The reason behind this blog is to explore creativity without any concern for producing good art. It is about producing something, anything, at least once a week. I'm a designer by nature and spend a great deal of time solving problems, be them aesthetic or technical, with a critical eye. In the beginning, this often this requires a pragmatic approach and dare I say it, linear thinking. Good design, in my opinion, is a fine balance between walking the line and and ignoring it completely. Are you in the box or standing somewhere way over there? One can't be defined without the other, and it is out of sheer curiosity I'm willing to commit one year to an 'out-of-the-box' approach to my work. What I'm hoping will happen is that I'll be able to better maintain my creative energy without burn-out. Hitting that wall is not fun and it can take weeks, months even years to recover.

As the title of this blog suggests, my journey will take the form of a piece of artwork that will be photographed and posted here once a week. I use the term artwork without much definition to avoid building a box before this project begins. If my work falls into a niche, a theme or an expression, then so be it. If over the course of many weeks, my creative expressions become a hodge-podge of randomness, well that has its merits too.

As I put my critiques aside for this project, I hope you too view these works with an open mind. It is in this spirit this blog is created and how I'd like it to proceed.

Thank you for visiting this site! Let's visit again next week, shall we?