Wednesday, June 9, 2010


On occasion, and this is one of those occasions, I tend to think we naturally attract certain things or perhaps seek them out without much awareness. In this case, it's the colour orange. Orange has never been a colour I gravitated to, as that distinction has always gone to red.  Orange has found its way to me and if one were to take a quick inventory of my living space, one would think orange has been seeking me out for years.

If I were to try and date this colour intrusion, I would have to say that date was March 1st, 2000. This is the very day I moved into my current surroundings. Prior to moving in, I was given the option to have the walls painted greyish-white or left as is, or as was. I chose to leave them and by that I chose colour, a bold move for me at the time. The colour is definitely a deep shade of muted orange. There are only two and a portion walls painted so richly and never once have I considered painting them grey-ish-white.

From there, orange spread into the kitchen with flame coated cast iron, orange striped teatowels and solid orange prep bowls. Moving into the living area, I have orange silks accenting the place - silks I've collected independently of one another and without thought of coordination. Glancing around, there are toss cushions, runners and an inordinate number of book spines - all orange.

I keep a ceramic planter (white) full of wool and it currently contains rovings and skeins given to me by others, all in various shades of orange. Colour selections I understand now, were chosen on their own merit, not because they would coordinate so well existing knitted and spun projects. In addition to the wool, silk and other linen, orange has come to me by other means; freebies. I don't normally wear orange, as I prefer to wear red, but if I can spot a trend, this will change soon as I was given running shirt recently and the only colour in my size was orange. It was time to replenish my favourite moisturizer and timing was such I was given a free gift with purchase - a large orange beach bag. Could orange shoes be next? It is true I have some navy blue ones with fabulous orange accents ...

It's hard for me not to notice that my roommate is a colour. I thought I'd look into Orange's references a little more closely as I always considered us strangers though no stranger than, say, purple or some cold blue shades. I learned that orange is the colour of creativity and much energy is derived from it when used for therapeutic purposes. Orange is self-confident, enthusiastic and independent too. All excellent qualities in a roommate.

I'm often of the mind that we gravitate to certain activities, thoughts and paths when were good and ready for them. Perhaps this decade-long orange invasion is coming to my full attention now because it's bringing with it a message - one of creativity. It's everywhere, I mean, my stapler is orange for goodness sake and I couldn't tell you where that came from! I'm pretty sure it just showed up on my desk one day.

Mystery staplers aside, it's true I'm feeling that creative "thing" bubble up again. It comes in waves for me and I can't help but think 'tsunami' this time around. I wish I knew what form the output will take. This isn't something I can answer though I can't stop thinking I'm circling down in a dive ready to grab it. Perhaps that's the wrong metaphor and what's actually happening is I'm circling down, water to a drain. In any case, I'm going to hang out with my new friend, Orange, and see what shakes loose.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Spinning Wheels

I reserve the right to change my mind and then change it back again. The Creative Weekly is now the Millipede Design blog. Though I had the best of intentions to create something every week and blog about the process, it occurred to me by week three that I had put far too much pressure on myself. Millipede Design was busy right out of the gate so the thought of adding more to my already full plate soon became unbearable. What I needed to do in my downtime was to putter and work on the little projects in my home. I needed to unwind rather than wind up. Letting go of the Creative Weekly allowed all that guilt of not following through (something I rarely do) to dissipate. The Millipede Design blog is about following up and with the same spirit in mind, there shouldn't be any pressure on me, the creator.

I will continue to post about art, design and anything else that strikes my fancy. I'm on a quest for balance and am finding this more difficult than I thought. At times, I feel as though I'm spinning my wheels and getting nowhere fast. Eventually, as logic prevails, I ease off the gas and this, in turn, propels me forward slowly,  getting me to where I want to go. Do you think there's a lesson in this?  I sure do.

Self-employment is hard. Even though it still looks rosy to me, the transition from 9-5 to home is a difficult one. My personal difficulty lie with guilt. I feel as though I have to be billing hours every second of the day even when this is not possible. I have a creative business and need to allow myself time to create, to be inspired and to absorb. So how can it be on a sunny afternoon that I should be able to settle in with design magazines or take photographs or paint without the guilt? I've worked hard for this and deserve it so. My business depends on it.

No doubt transition will be a reoccurring theme as I write my way through these coming months. After all, I'm on a learning curve that's likely to go right then left then right again.